New blog and website

Just letting everyone know that I've launched a new home page (and blog) over at my website:



Posted at at 9:24 AM on Monday, April 30, 2012 by | 0 comments   | Filed under:

Doc Savage commission

Here's the Man of Bronze and his crew. For a great (and very patient) guy, Jim Latimer, over in the States. This piece now has a nice, new home.

Posted at at 12:40 PM on Friday, July 1, 2011 by | 1 comments   | Filed under: , ,

My Morning Jacket 'Bermuda Highway'

This song makes me soar.

Posted at at 7:10 PM on Friday, August 20, 2010 by | 2 comments   | Filed under:

The Next Big Thing 2010: The Brow Horn Orchestra

My son, Jake, is in a band... The Brow Horn Orchestra.

They just won The Next Big Thing! They rock. He rocks.

Go have a listen.

Posted at at 8:48 AM on Wednesday, August 11, 2010 by | 1 comments   | Filed under: ,

New DOC SAVAGE novels coming from Will Murray!

At the 2010 Pulpfest, Will Murray announced he had inked a contract to produce seven new Doc Savage novels. In the 1990s, Murray published several Doc Savage novels for Bantam under the pseudonym Kenneth Robeson.

Read more at Chuck Welch's site.

This is great news for pulp fans and Doc Savage fans in particular. I'm one.

Posted at at 7:43 PM on Tuesday, August 3, 2010 by | 0 comments   | Filed under: ,