Top design: Age of Aces Books and website
"For the best in pulp aviation & more."
That's what the website says, right at the top, but the 'more' is definitely the Kalb Bros... designers par excellence.
Chris Kalb came to my attention many years ago with his lovely Doc Savage website The 86th Floor. He's a great designer that has a love of all things pulp and you can tell. And because he's a truly talented art director that knows his stuff, each of his websites show crisp, clean design solutions, easy navigation and lots of content features and extras that make you want to stay and have a good look around. The Age of Aces site is his latest effort with his brother, David, and editor Bill Mann. It's no exception to the Kalb's high standards. I love visiting site's like this. A real pleasure. Tight.
The imprint's publications are also impeccably designed by the Kalbs, making for a unified 'brand' and a very easy on the eye reading experience. Check 'em out!
Well done, boys!
Octopussy... cute as a kitten.
Double rainbow. Port Huon.
What does it mean?
Seriously, this was a lovely rainbow reflected in the Huon River this morning. Stunning light this time of year.
From my driveway...
Walked out to check the mail and I had to take a pic of the mount over the river. The mist is just starting to lift.
Woody says: "Rack off!"
This is Woody, the cranky ol' nag. He's old and grumpy, but we love him anyways. I'm sure he's part mule, part mongolian mountain pony.
Say "Hi!", Sam.
This is Sam, one of two horses we look after in 'retirement'. He's a huge thing. Biggest horse I've ever encountered. A big gentle giant, though.
Breckinridge Elkins, page 7
I've just uploaded a new page of my adaption of the first Breckinridge Elkins story 'Mountain Man'.
There have been a few hiccups along the way to establishing a look and style for this strip, the biggest being the need to replace a fine colorist in Cayetano Garza, who got swamped with work and had to leave the strip. He's established a fine colouring guide for the strip after we discussed what I'd like at length over the first dozen pages. I'm sad to see him go.
I've decided to take over the colouring duties and refine what Cat had started. So if you have any opinions one way or the other about the look of the strip, now's your chance to pop over to the site, take a look and comment.
Or comment here for that matter... I'll get it.
I'm very happy with the latest page, so if there aren't too many objections, I'll revisit the earlier pages over the next few weeks.
... and please, spread the word about the Breck webcomic. It would be much appreciated.
Morton Stone, Undertaker
Promotional postcard artwork by Ben Templesmith.
Each stormy night the wind does wail,
The crow does scream,
the heavens too rail
In the moist, cold corridors
of the dead,
Dwells the Man from Thunderhead.
“My name is Stone,” the skeleton said
“Like my heart... cold and unforgiving.
“I had a life, a lifetime ago,
“Filled with loving warmth and feeling.”
But bliss suddenly turned to curse,
When black Mr. Noddy came a-callin’.
Nip nippy he went, until child and wife were all spent,
And to make matters worse,
Sow’s ear from silk purse,
Stone prefers now the dead to the
Wife and daughter do rot
in the old family plot
The Undertaker's pup as well is worth grievin'
All happiness has fled
For they are all dead
But Stone’s eyes with a purpose are gleanin’.
“I’ll cruise in my hearse of death’s jet black
“Down the highway to Hell, past the
Crossroads and back.
“Swinging my stock in trade,
the ol’ shovel and spade...
“Until Noddy is found and bloody
retribution is paid.”
“I wish I was dead.”
“I wish I was dead.”
whispered the
Man from Thunderhead.
Will Eisner's "A Contract With God" to be adapted for the big screen
Got this in my mailbox a few hours ago. Announced formally by Denis Kitchen at this year's Eisner Awards in San Diego...
San Diego, CA (July 23, 2010) - Legendary comic book master Will Eisner's groundbreaking graphic novel "A Contract with God" is being adapted into a live action feature film, it was announced this evening at Comic- Con International 2010 by the film's producers. In what is considered by many to be one of the most influential graphic novels ever written, in "A Contract with God" Eisner utilizes the comic book format in an innovative and pioneering way to explore stories and memories from his childhood growing up in a New York City tenement. Each tale captures the brutality, fragility, and tenderness that exists among people living in close quarters in challenging economic times.
A quartet of acclaimed independent directors are attached to direct each of the graphic novel's four adjoining chapters: Alex Rivera ("Sleep Dealer"); Tze Chun ("Children of Invention"); Barry Jenkins ("Medicine for Melancholy"); and Sean Baker ("Prince of Broadway," MTV's "Warren the Ape"). The film will be produced and adapted for the screen by Darren Dean, whose first feature "Prince of Broadway," about an illegal immigrant in contemporary New York City, is being released this fall and whose second feature, Rwanda-shot "Kinyarwanda" (directed by Alrick Brown) is in post-production, due for a festival bow in 2011.
The film adaptation of "A Contract with God" will be produced under the auspices of the Eisner estate in the spirit of the original work. Bob Schreck, a 30-year veteran of the comic book industry and Michael Ruggiero, former head of original programming at STARZ, will serve as Co-Executive Producers. Black Squirrel Films Co-Founder Tommy Oliver will serve as Co-Producer and Mark Rabinowitz, Co-Founder of, will serve as Associate Producer.
Focusing on the immigrant struggle, "A Contract With God" takes a look at a salient theme across four separate but related stories, set primarily in a New York City tenement in the 1930s. The four segments are: "A Contract With God" (Rivera), "The Street Singer" (Chun), "The Super" (Jenkins) and "Cookalien," (Baker). Each of the filmmakers comes to the project with a distinct aesthetic approach which will capture the diversity, style and essence of Eisner's story. Nat Sanders ("Medicine for Melancholy," "Humpday") will serve as editor on the entire film.
The announcement regarding the film adaptation of "A Contract with God" was made this evening at the 22nd annual Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards, which honors creative achievement in American comic books including induction ceremonies into the comics industry Hall of Fame, the first time such an announcement has been made at the Eisners. Will Eisner was a regular participant in the award ceremony until his death in 2005.
Darren Dean said, "I look forward to finding the fine balance of offering Eisner fans a very faithful interpretation of his work and allowing the voices of these strong and competent filmmakers to be heard. We are all approaching the inaugural stage of this project with respect, honor and anticipation and hope that the fans will welcome us with both faith and scrutiny. This is for them, as much as any of us."
Bob Schreck said, "Getting to know Will Eisner was one of the great honors of both my personal and professional journeys. We are all well aware that the work ahead has a very high bar of excellence to aspire to set by Mr. Eisner's pioneering achievements in storytelling."
Tze Chun said, "Before I became a filmmaker, I wanted to be a comic book artist, and I spent many nights poring over Eisner's Comics & Sequential Art. The book should be mandatory reading for every person who wants to be a storyteller regardless of their intended medium. Eisner's magnum opus, "A Contract With God," is a master class in visual storytelling -- groundbreaking, humanistic, moving, and rich in detail. Within these four short stories, Eisner creates an entire world. I'm very excited to be a part of the team that will bring this film to life."
Key roles will be cast in the coming months with principle photography set to begin in 2011.